Mikita Interview.

I was really happy to have the chance to interview the local experimental punk band member, Ben Piper, from Mikita.  Just recently, on February 28, 2018 the band released their BRAND NEW single, “Locusts Are People,’ and they plan on releasing a full-length EP this upcoming April.  From shows up in Flemington, New Jersey, to next-door in Asbury Park, it is safe to say this local band has covered a lot of ground and we are in for a treat at they take the steps to release their new EP.  With that being said,  here is a little more on their new single, “Locusts Are People,” and their plans for the next few months!

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1.). Let’s start this interview by having you guys tell everyone a little bit about yourselves… Who is Mikita? Where are you from? What is your genre?

We’re two guys named Ben in a really loud sweat two piece.We’re from good ol scuzzy Brick town NJ. We play experimental punk.

2.)  Who are some of your musical influences?

Melvins, Black Sabbath, Misfits, ’68, and Black Flag.

3.)  It seems like you guys have a lot of exciting things happening… One of these things including your NEW single, “Locusts Are People!”  Can you tell me a little more about the single? Like, what is it about?

We are super stoked to have just put this out! It’s a song about being furious and frustrated with someone you care about but not being able to fully commit to it and being stuck in a weird middle ground.


4.)  Where did you record, “Locusts Are People?” What was that recording process like?

We actually recorded this in Ben’s house completely DIY, the process was in a word experimental ,there’s been a whole lot of trial and error, starting over, and fumbling around figuring out what sounds good.

5.)  What made you guys choose thing song to be your new single?  What is your favorite part about it?

We chose to release this song as a single because of how hard hitting it is and how much we feel it gives an idea of what Mikita is.

6.)  So with a new lead single, does this mean there is more music on the way in 2018 from you guys?

Actually yes! “Locusts Are People” is the title track off our upcoming debut EP releasing on 4/27 at The Asbury Park Brewery!

7.)  I always like asking bands what their favorite venue is to play because I seem to always get so many different answers.  With that being said, what is your favorite venue to play at?

One of the coolest places we played was All Star Music Empire up in Flemington but our favorite is no doubt any dingy basement that will have us.


8.)  Is there any venue you guys would really like to play at some day? If so, why?

Starland Ballroom would be killer! I’ve seen some of my first shows ever there and have always wanted to be on that stage.

9.)  If you guys could pick any person in the world to make your band go from a two piece to a three piece, who would that person be?

Is that even a question? Steve Buscemi.

10.)  What is a dream tour you guys would like to open up for?

One with all our homies from the local scene going across the country

11.)  What are some of Mikita’s goals for 2018?

We are shooting to start playing out of state, start working on our next release which is almost finished being written, and there’s been talks about releasing a split with some local homies!

12.)  Where can everyone find your new single?

Youtube, Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music, Google Play, and Bandcamp just lookup “Locusts Are People-Mikita.”

Also, be sure to hit Mikita up with a “like” on their Facebook and RSVP to their EP release show on April 27, 2018 at the Asbury Brewery in Asbury Park, HERE!



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